Well for whatever reason it's happened, your bills got out of hand, you missed payments or are carrying a lot of debt and now it's affected your ability to get financing. Plain and simple, bad credit affects your credit rating/score and your ability to get financing. The impact of bad credit can range from not getting the loan or credit card to having to pay interest rates well in excess of what you would see if you had good credit. OK, enough about the past, what can you do to repair your credit. 1) Get a copy of your current credit report. In Canada, there are two main credit bureaus 1.Equifax 1-800-465-7166 2.Trans Union 1-800-888-4213 Of the two bureaus, likely the most recognized would be Equifax. 2) Review your credit report. 1.Yes, mistakes are made. Past bad credit may not have been removed even though they have already been paid. 2.There may also be comments, which are considered to be negative. This is your opportunity to respond to those comments. 3.If you do owe mon...