preliminary studies have shown elevated levels of radon in the Prince George
area and for that reason, the BC Lung Association is offering free testing kits
to residents.
What is Radon? “[It] is a radioactive, invisible, odorless gas that can seep into your home through cracks in floors, walls and foundations. You can't see radon. You can't smell it or taste it. But when radon seeps into a closed-in space like a house, it can be harmful”. Find out more information here
Here is a link to the Prince George brochure which
contains contact information and details on how to get your free kit.
What is Radon? “[It] is a radioactive, invisible, odorless gas that can seep into your home through cracks in floors, walls and foundations. You can't see radon. You can't smell it or taste it. But when radon seeps into a closed-in space like a house, it can be harmful”. Find out more information here
is a link to the press release detailing the study that provides free kits
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